          國民大會:權力高峰智囊團(1/5) 20090528 國民大會:權力高峰智囊團(1/5) 20090528 At 2:00 - 辦公室出租 2:30/7:19 That stupid bad ugly evil brainless "Young.憲.Hon(da)" 開幕活動obviously too stupid bad ugly evil to know that "Yell.Jean.Chwon" must have all his right 買房子 to speak whatever he likes honestly (Like Chinese said "Wall.佛.Boot.Duck.妄.Yu", of course "Yell.Jean.Chwo seon" can have all his right to wear "慈.G" sign to speak out his own honest voice that every one must have to do first in order 買屋網to score "Shower.Sheng" point.) in front of your sucking law makers eyes equally, or bullyably (Like Chinese said "Boot.The.中.Sin.Are.Yu.Zhi. B 21世紀房屋仲介.Yell.Kwon.狷.Hood. Kwon.Jer.Jean.取 狷.Jer.Yo.Swall.Boot.Way")as long as he can have his best will best skill best integrity best brain cell to do his public duty faith 小額信貸fully, honestly. Because your law makers must have no right to abuse law makers (You as law makers, you need to know only your good better best people represented by you accountable, you h 酒店工作ave no right to represent any stupid bad ugly evil doer's interest in any way, not mention to have any say to defend your own sucking personal shameless gain or lose.) power to fire anyone simply because th 景觀設計at anyone can have the braincell and honest guts to offend your sucking law makers voice personally.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 售屋網  .

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